KEMRI at MS-CORSTI 3 Conference
May 14, 2024
High Levels of Carbon Monoxide reported in Nairobi comparable to Rural Homes
May 21, 2024
KEMRI at MS-CORSTI 3 Conference
May 14, 2024
High Levels of Carbon Monoxide reported in Nairobi comparable to Rural Homes
May 21, 2024

Mapping a Strategic Road Map for the Institute

The KEMRI Board of Directors, senior management and stakeholders concluded a six-day retreat held in Naivasha from 13th – 18th May, 2024 with an objective to review key strategic documents that are crucial to creating the roadmap and the strategic direction for the Institute over the next five years.

The Board of Directors and Management led by Dr. Abdullahi Ali and Ag. Director General Prof. Elijah Songok reviewed several critical and strategic documents key among them, the Strategic Plan (2024- 2028). The Institutional Strategic Plan, which is in its final phases is expected to be finalized and approved before the end of this year.

This review follows an initial assessment in November 2023 and a subsequent public engagement on March 7th, 2024. During the engagement, organized by KEMRI’s Strategy and Compliance Directorate, key internal and external stakeholders reviewed the Strategic Plan whose  participants included representatives from the Kenya Union of Domestic Hotels Educational Institutions Hospitals & Allied Workers (KUDHEIHA), Kenya Institute of Primate Research (KIPRE), Public Service Commission (PSC), National Intelligence Service (NIS), Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), and Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB), among others.

In addition to the Strategic Plan, the retreat also reviewed other critical documents such as the KEMRI Bill 2024, Commercial Enterprise Business Plan, KEMRI Graduate School Plan, Human Resource Instruments, Succession Plan, and the Audit Manual. These documents are expected to be fully completed and finalized by the end of this year.

In his remarks during the retreat, Dr. Abdullahi Ali noted,

 “We should ensure that we are creating documents that will be instrumental in progressively serving the needs and growth of the Institute and those of the Country. So far, we are pleased by the progress we are making and hope that we can finally approve and adopt these strategic documents before the end of this financial year.”

The Retreat was attended by stakeholders, the State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) led by its Secretary & CEO Mr. Simon Indimuli and other senior management team.

We are committed to ensuring you get the best HR instruments document as soon as possible. We shall therefore do our best to complete this exercise by the end of this financial year,” animated Mr. Indimuli.

On his part the Ag. Director General Prof. Songok thanked the Board and SCAC for their support, wisdom, dedication and counsel in ensuring the documents are carefully reviewed, and enriched to meet the required objective with a view to improve service delivery in the Institute.

“As management we are appreciate the commitment and dedication of the board and SCAC in ensuring these documents are properly reviewed and enriched so that they can deliver on the mandate of KEMRI,” Prof. Songok said.

All the reviewed documents are expected to be presented at the next board meeting which will be held on 18th June 2024 for final approval.

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