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Preparations for the 3rd Health and Climate Change Conference.

A section of key stakeholders of the 3rd climate change conference.

The Machakos County Government, headed by Samera Aziz, Advisor for Donor and Partnerships, members from the Ministry of Health and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) among other key stakeholders held a pivotal meeting to finalize preparations for the 3rd Health and Climate Change Conference, set to take place in Machakos County from October 15th to 18th, 2024, at the Machakos International Conference Centre.

A section of key stakeholders of the 3rd climate change conference.
Ms. Samera illustrates to the team the structural dummy of the facility.

This significant event will bring together health professionals, climate experts, policymakers, and various stakeholders to discuss the intersections of health and climate change and to devise strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change on public health.

The conference aims to address key issues such as the increase in climate-related diseases, the effects of extreme weather events on health infrastructure, and the importance of sustainable environmental practices. Participants will engage in in-depth discussions, workshops, and presentations that focus on innovative solutions and collaborative efforts to enhance climate resilience in the health sector.

A section of participants during the discussions.
Machakos County Advisor for Donor and Partnerships, Ms. Samera Aziz, and KEMRI Research Scientist, Dr. Sophie Matu.

This conference is expected to set the stage for future initiatives and partnerships that will not only benefit Machakos County but also serve as a model for other regions grappling with similar challenges. The event will foster knowledge exchange and strengthen networks aimed at enhancing community health resilience in the face of climate change.

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