KEMRI Scores 80% in the 2024 CustomerSatisfaction Survey.
July 17, 2024
Nyandarua County Health Department Elevates Research and Knowledge Management: A Transformative Journey.
July 17, 2024
KEMRI Scores 80% in the 2024 CustomerSatisfaction Survey.
July 17, 2024
Nyandarua County Health Department Elevates Research and Knowledge Management: A Transformative Journey.
July 17, 2024

A Record 118 KGS Students Oriented in 2024-2025 Programme.

The New Cohort of students and the Graduate faculty posing for a photo.

The KEMRI Graduate School, in collaboration with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Graduate School faculty, recently hosted a comprehensive orientation programme for the new cohort of students for the 2024/2025 academic year. The event, held on 11th July 2024, was at the KEMRI Headquarters and the Graduate School Annex, where a series of comprehensive orientation programme that included tree planting exercise and an orientation workshop to welcome, inform, and integrate the new students into the academic journey and experience.

Ag. Director Research Capacity Building, Dr. Martin Bundi welcoming the students.
KEMRI graduate school faculty planting a tree.

The primary goal of the physical orientation was to provide students with the opportunity to interact personally with their lecturers and faculty staff. This face-to-face engagement was crucial, given that delivery of the course will be conducted online.

Ag. Director of Research & Capacity Building, Dr. Martin Bundi welcomed the 118 students that include 32 PhD and 86 MSc. Individuals who had earlier participated in a tree-planting activity at the KGS Annex to symbolize nurturing growth and knowledge.

Dr. Bundi who represented Ag. DG Prof. Elijah Songok, emphasized the support available to students throughout their academic journey at KEMRI, stating, “I would like to welcome you to KEMRI Graduate School and we are here to support you throughout your programme.”

It was an opportunity to meet, greet and familiarize themselves with members of the faculty from both KEMRI and JKUAT including Programmes Heads at KEMRI including Dr. Rose Bosire (Global Health/Epidemiology/Biostatistics) and Dr. Raphael Lihana (Virology) Dr. Luna Kamau (Molecular Medicine), Prof. Sammy Njenga (Medical Parasitology and Entomology) and Dr. Festus Tolo (Medicinal Chemistry/Phytochemistry). Senior Librarian Ms. Cynthia Kimani also attended the welcome engagement.

A section of members of the KEMRI Graduate School Faculty during the Orientation.
A section of the kGS Staff and students during the

An overview of the programme regulations and requirements was presented by the Director Graduate School at JKUAT, Prof. Francis Njonge followed by essential topics such as the semester timetable, examination and proposal development requirements, and overall expectations from the students during their time of study. The JKUAT Registrar Academic Affairs, Dr. Aggrey Wanyama lead his team for the exercise.

The orientation also included a session on library resources and matters, and various co-curricular activities, including exchange programs, mentorship, sporting activities, and wellness programs. The event concluded with an interactive Q&A session, where students had the opportunity to voice their concerns and seek clarification on various aspects of their programme.

Senior Librarian, Ms. Cynthia Kimani during an Introductory session.

A key takeaway message from the lecturers to the students was the importance of being purpose-driven and taking initiative in their learning. Dr. Tolo encouraged the students, saying, “as postgraduate students, you should take charge of your learning journey…have your own initiative, seek opportunities, and drive your academic growth with determination”.

Later, faculty members held a meeting at the boardroom to discuss the progress and future plans for the graduate school, ensuring a collaborative and effective approach to supporting the students. The orientation programme was a significant step in welcoming and integrating the new students into the KEMRI Graduate School community, setting a solid foundation for their academic and professional growth.

Registrar, Academic affairs JKUAT, Dr. Aggrey Wanyama makes his remarks while Ag. Director Research Capacity Building, Dr. Martin Bundi and Director Graduate School, JKUAT Prof. Francis Njonge, listen keenly.
Dr. Rose Bosire, Dr. Raphael Lihana and Dr. Elizabeth
Matey during the boardroom meeting.

Members of the KGS secretariate presented included, Ian Chege, Dexta Moses, Tiner Ouma, Victor Muyanzi, Imelda Leitich and Brian Orwa. Others are Gideon Koech, Joy Kubai, Margaret Kamau and Fred Okuto.

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