Promise of Good Tidings As JICA’s Senior Vice President Visit to KEMRI
June 4, 2024
“It Was Life-Changing” Residents Say
June 5, 2024
Promise of Good Tidings As JICA’s Senior Vice President Visit to KEMRI
June 4, 2024
“It Was Life-Changing” Residents Say
June 5, 2024

CBEC-KEMRI Bioethics Training Initiative(CK-BTI) Practicum Training

Members of the faculty and participants led by Prof. Elizabeth Bukusi pose for a photo.

The KEMRI Scientific and Ethics Review Unit (SERU) organized a three-day Practicum training at the KEMRI Headquarters recently.

Through the guidance of Prof. Elizabeth Bukusi, the SERU facilitated a three-days practicum training was held at the KEMRI Graduate School from the 28th-30th of May 2024.

Prof. Elizabeth Bukusi responds to questions raised
during the Q&A session.
From L to R: Participants; Ms. Justina Kengi, Ms. Violet Kamwendo, Dr. Ismail. A. Awle and Ms. Ruth Okello
during the training.

The training was as a result of KEMRI collaboration with the Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) in Karachi Pakistan. The are recipients of the Fogarty International Centre (FIC) grant through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA, to develop and launch a multi-pronged, broad-based bioethics programme.

This course targeted individuals actively involved in Research Ethics Committees (RECs) with an aim of giving hands-on practical experiential training for both cross-cultural and cross-institutional exposure and an opportunity for gaining practical skills required to keep a functional and efficient REC office.

This round of course attracted a total of 13 participants drawn from Kenya, Uganda, Malawi and Swaziland who were awarded certificates to the participants by distinguished senior council and research ethics and integrity guru, Mr. Ambrose Rachier.

Mr. Rachier who was also the chief guest at the closing ceremony, utilized moment to emphasize the importance of research regulation before congratulating participants as well as the SERU team for convening and conducting a successful training.

From L-R Ms. Babazile Shongwe, Ms. Alice Kwamboka & Dr. Mitchel Otieno keenly following the presentation during the training session.
Ms. Violet Chitani, a participant receives a certificate
from Mr. Ambrose Rachier the Chief Guest at the closing

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