KEMRI is governed by a Board of Directors (BOD) which is responsible for all policy matters, and is composed of a Chairman, seven gazetted/appointed members and four ex-officio members representing various Government Ministries, including the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation.  KEMRI’s Chief Executive Officer, who is the Principal Accounting Officer of the Institute, is a board member. The Corporation Secretary also serves as secretary to the Board of Management.In order to ensure efficient delivery of Board mandates, the Board operates through the following four (4) Board Committees namely:-

  1. Finance and General-Purpose Committee (FGPC)
  2. Partnership, Grants and Resource Mobilization Committee (PGRMC)
  3. Board Audit Committee (BAC)
  4. Scientific Research and Innovations Committee (SRIC)

Committees of the Board

This committee deals with Finance, Strategy,
Compliance and Human Resource matters.

Finance and General-Purpose Committee (FGPC)

This committee deals with the Institute’s partnerships, grants management and mobilization of resources

Partnership, Grants and Resource Mobilization Committee (PGRMC)

This committee deals with Audit, Governance and Risk.

Board Audit Committee (BAC)

This committee deals with technical matters.

Scientific Research and Innovations Committee (SRIC)

The Director, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)
The Director of the Institute is appointed under the provisions of the Science and Technology (Amendment Act 1979), by the Minister for the time being responsible for Health, on recommendation by the Board. He is the Chief Executive of the Institute. In this capacity, he is the accounting officer as well as the administrative and scientific head of the Institute.

Research Centres and Programmes
The Research Centres of KEMRI are created by the Board of Management. These Research Centres are expected to focus on specific areas of national and/or strategic importance, in accordance with their respective broad mandates in any of the six (6) research programmes of the Institute The Board may reorganize the mandates of these Research Centres in conformity with the national objectives, as it may deem appropriate.