CBEC-KEMRI Bioethics Training Initiative(CK-BTI) Practicum Training
June 4, 2024
Hope Amidst The Mud: Transforming Lives Through Menstrual Hygiene Management in Kisumu
June 5, 2024
CBEC-KEMRI Bioethics Training Initiative(CK-BTI) Practicum Training
June 4, 2024
Hope Amidst The Mud: Transforming Lives Through Menstrual Hygiene Management in Kisumu
June 5, 2024

“It Was Life-Changing” Residents Say

Pupils from Ombaka Primary school elated after receiving a mosquito net during the medical camp in Nyando Subcounty

Although low-key exercise, the recent medical outreach targeting the members of the community displaced by floods in Kisumu County was very impactful and life changing.

Held a fortnight ago on 24th , May 2024 at the typically quiet grounds of Ombaka Primary School in Nyando Sub-County, Kisumu County, the exercise lead by the head of the KEMRI CGHR Malaria Branch Dr. Simon Kariuki benefited hundreds of people among them the very venerable women, children, those abled differently to elderly within the community.

The caregivers involved the collaboration between the Institute, the Kisumu County Ministry of Health, the Red Cross, and the local National Administrative leadership lead by area chiefs that provided the much needed logistical distribution support for the much-needed medical care and essential supplies to the community.

Dr. Kariuki’s team, along with the dedicated partners, focused on a holistic approach to health and well-being. In addition to offering medical check-ups and treatments, they made a significant contribution to the fight against malaria by donating mosquito nets to several schools: Ombaka Primary, Ombaka Secondary, Ombaka Special School, Joyland Special School in Kisumu County and Ngeta primary school from Homabay county.

The sight of the children receiving their nets was a poignant reminder of the far-reaching impact of such initiatives. Their smiles and words of gratitude were touching, reflecting the profound change these simple yet vital tools would bring to their lives.

One pupil from Ombaka Primary School, Beatrice, shared her excitement, “I am so happy to get this mosquito net, now I can sleep without worrying about getting sick hence I will not miss any class due to sickness, thank you, KEMRI!” she said her excitement visible and capturing the essence of how these nets would directly impact the children’s health and academic performance.

James, a student at Joyland Special School, expressed his gratitude, “With this net, I feel safer and healthier, I used to miss a lot of school because of malaria, but now I can focus on my studies and dreams,” he said with great gratitude underscoring the crucial link between good health and educational achievement.

Dr. Kariuki, blissful as he observed the children’s reactions, remarked, “Seeing these children smile and knowing that they will be healthier and more focused on their studies is incredibly fulfilling…this is what our vision of a malaria-free Kenya looks like in action”.

As the day drew to a close, the legacy of the event was clear. The mosquito nets donated by KEMRI CGHR were more than just protective gear; they were tools of empowerment, enabling the children to pursue their education without the constant threat of malaria. The outreach exemplified the power of compassion and collaboration in fostering healthier, more resilient communities.

It was evident that a simple charitable action by a section of KEMRI staff can achieve so much to the community and leave indelible mark on them. While the community celebrated Dr. Kariuki and his team, the medical out reach activity also underscores the team’s commitment to a malaria-free future resonating with the dreams of the children who can now envision a brighter, healthier tomorrow.

In a world where health challenges are ever-present, the efforts of the KEMRI CGHR team stand as a beacon of hope and progress. Their work not only combats diseases but also builds a foundation for a healthier, more educated generation, paving the way for a brighter future for all.

Pupils from Ombaka Primary school elated after receiving a mosquito net during the medical camp in Nyando Subcounty
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