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August 20, 2024

Kisumu Malaria Branch and GCHR Gift Bed Nets to Schools in Kisumu and Homa Bay Counties.

On July 30th and 31st, 2024, the KEMRI Kisumu Malaria Branch, made significant strides in the fight against malaria by donating bed nets to Joyland Special School in Kisumu County and Ngeta Comprehensive School in Homa Bay County. The donation, spearheaded by Dr. Simon Kariuki and represented by Ms. Betty Magadi and Mr. Brian Otieno, was met with joy and appreciation from the school communities.

At Joyland Special School, Ms. Susan Liyai, the headteacher, expressed her gratitude for the donation, stating, “These bed nets are more than just a gift; they are a shield of protection for our children. As a school dedicated to nurturing special needs children, we are deeply grateful for this gesture. It reflects a community that cares about the well-being of every child, ensuring they can sleep safely and come to school healthy and ready to learn.”

The students of Joyland were equally enthusiastic. Little Mercy, a bright-eyed pupil, shared her excitement, saying, “I’m so happy we got the nets! Now I won’t be scared of mosquitoes at night.” Her classmate, Joseph, added, “These nets will help us a lot. Thank you for thinking of us!”

Over at Ngeta Comprehensive School, the atmosphere was similarly jubilant. Mr. Moses Adede, the headmaster, remarked, “This donation comes at a critical time. As we approach the rainy season, the risk of malaria increases. These bed nets will play a crucial role in safeguarding our students’ health, allowing them to focus on their studies without the fear of falling ill. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the KEMRI Kisumu Malaria Branch for their continued support.”

From the student body, Achieng, a young girl from Ngeta, shared her thoughts, “I’m really thankful for the bed nets. It shows that people care about our health and education.” Her fellow student, Omondi, echoed her sentiments, “It’s amazing to see everyone come together to help us. These nets will make a big difference.”

The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) representatives present at both events also voiced their appreciation. Mrs. Akinyi, representing the PTA at Joyland Special School, noted, “As parents, our children’s health is our top priority. This donation gives us peace of mind knowing they are protected from malaria. We are incredibly thankful to the KEMRI Kisumu Malaria Branch and GCHR for their generosity and dedication to our community.”

The donation events at both schools were a testament to the power of community collaboration and the importance of safeguarding children’s health, KEMRI Kisumu Malaria Branch efforts have not only provided immediate protection but also raised awareness about the importance of preventing malaria. The joy and gratitude expressed by the head teachers, students, and parents underscore the positive impact of such initiatives on the lives of these young learners.

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