
KEMRI Eldoret is designed to prioritise sports health research including comprehensive analysis of biological passports, factors associated with anti-doping testing and sports injuries.

SSRC will also serve as the Rift Valley regional station for research activities for the Institute and officially becomes the 15th KEMRI Research Centre poised to evolve into a fully-fledged facility that is dedicated to comprehensively addressing the well-being of our athletes through a spectrum of holistic research studies including sports medicine and medical research components specifically targeting Nutrition Research, Social and Mental Health Research, Clinical Health aspects as well as the provision of laboratory services.

This facility will not only serve as a hub for athlete sample testing but also as a homegrown platform for other research and aim to eliminate the need to send samples out of the country, making the process more efficient and timelier.

Services offered

  1. Basic Laboratory Research
  2. Social and Behavioral Research
  3. Mental Health & Well-being
  4. Sports Injuries
  5. Nutritional Research
  6. Challenges as relates to anti-doping
  7. Implementation Science Platform

Find us at

  • Floor:  M3